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Applied Processes And Techniques Of Graphite Electrode

  There are a number of processes that are used to produce a wide range of carbon and graphite products. Carbon or graphite anodes and cathodes, electrodes and furnace linings are produced for a variety of ferrous and non-ferrous metal production processes, in particular, primary aluminium smelting, ferro-alloy and steel production. This chapter covers the production of carbon and graphite electrodes, cathodes and shapes not intended for use in aluminium production.More than 2000 products of varying sizes, shapes and properties are produced for other applications.

  All of the processes use coke, anthracite, graphite or carbon and other raw materials such as pitch to produce pastes, electrodes and shapes.

  Traditionally, the sector divides its process steps into:

  · Supply, storage, preparation, mixing and shaping (the so-called green department).

  · Baking, impregnation and rebaking (the so-called baking department).

  · Graphitisation.

  · Machining.

  · Packing and dispatch.

  Processes to produce electrodes and shapesS?derberg paste, S?derberg electrodes and graphite electrodes are made either in dedicated installations or in processes associated with primary aluminium smelting.


Qingdao Sino

E-mail: info@sinoelectrode.com

Address: Qingdao City, Shandong Province